5 Ways To Prevent Heat Damage

heat damage

Heat damage is inevitable if you are a fan of sleek straight hair. However, with a few small changes you can decrease your risk of permanently damaging your hair . Using heat styling tools like flat irons, blow dryers and curling wands can lead to severe damage if used too frequently and improperly.


“I’ve personally dealt with heat damage on my own natural hair journey on more than one occasion. Back in 2010 I had to big chop my 100% chemical free hair due to heat damage. My curls were very dry, lifeless and had no curl definition from months of blow drying & flat ironing my hair several times per month. Now that I know better I do better. However, I still struggle with heat damage in certain areas of my head. I rarely straighten my hair now but, when I do I take the necessary steps to help prevent heat damage.” For more info check out this video on Fatima’s Youtube Channel.

Keep reading if you are interested in learning 5 ways to prevent & recover from heat damage.

1. Minimize Heat Styling: Although we all love to switch it up every once in a while, the best way to prevent heat damage is to avoid it all together. If you are going to use heat to straighten your curls stick to no more than one heat styling session per month. Worried about touch up’s in between? Try a dry shampoo to keep your look fresh and use styles like pin curls, caruso steam rollers or flexi rods to maintain the style.

2. Always Deep Condition W/ Protein: Using a deep condition with a protein treatment before and after heat styling is a great way keep your hair strong and healthy. One of our favorite protein treatments is the “Aphogee Two Minute Reconstructor”.




3. Air Dry or Use The Tension Method While Blow Drying: The tension method is a way of blow drying your hair that requires less heat and puts less stress on your curls. Instead of using a paddle brush to smooth your hair use your blowdryer and your hands. To learn more about this technique check out this video.  Air drying is another great alternative as well. However, when air drying you may not get sleek results.

4. Always Use A Heat Protectant: Finding the best heat protectant for your hair may take a little bit of trial and error. You may find that some serums are too heavy and some sprays may be to lightweight. However, finding one is key to preventing heat damage. Heat protectants create a barrier between your hair and the styling tool. Shop some of our favorite using the link above. 

5. Trim Your Ends Regularly: This is especially important if you already have heat damage. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix for reverting heat damage 100% so the best way to get rid of it is to cut it off. Gradually trimming your ends with each heat styling session is going to make styling easier and overall promote healthier hair. If you have severe heat damage use this an excuse to big chop and experiment with a funky new style.

How do you guys prevent heat damage when using heat styling tools? 

1 Comment
  1. I’ve only experience heat damage once when I was blow drying my hair just to put it in a bun (shame on me). But that is also when I began to learn about hair masks and conditioners and I’ve been on a much better path since.

    Maggie A