Flavor of Friday: The "Best" Makeup Tutorials

April Fools!

Ok so these aren’t exactly the”best” makeup tutorials. They’re actually the worst, i.e funniest makeup tutorials I’ve ever seen. Ever since I went natural late last year, I’ve been somewhat of a Youtube addict. I can spend upwards of 5 hours in one sitting watching these hair & beauty vids! Anyway, I stumbled across the following videos the other day and laughed out loud for days about them. I hope you do too. Enjoy and happy April Fools Day!

African Beyonce Beauty Tutorial

5 Year Old Beauty Guru

<a href="http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-US&#038;from=sp&#038;vid=06ca7e31-f6f4-484c-be81-36caf4fda86a" target="_new" title="5-Year-Old Gives Makeup Tips">Video: 5-Year-Old Gives Makeup Tips</a>
Christina Brown

Lifestyle influencer and digital mompreneur Christina S. Brown is a New York native, LA resident, and the founder of LoveBrownSugar.com and BrownGirlsLove. She's an award-winning storyteller, a motivational speaker and an advocate for confident millennial black women.

  1. That 5 year old guru is SO FUNNY. I saw in another community that her mom is a guru–I wonder who it is!

    Also, I was surprised how on par she is with actual gurus. “I really like this!” was used A LOT. lol

  2. OMG, “Beyonc” was KILLING me – I hang with Nigerians that do that accent and we stay laughing, LOL! I love when people can be that hilarious1 The funny thing was, if that makeup had matched, she would’ve been looking BOMB!

  3. HOT MESS!
    shout out HARLEM!!!! lolol

  4. African Beyonce with a bit of Rihanna on top was too much. I giggled so hard and loud my son came to see if I was ok. When she sloshed the foundation on all I could think was corpse bride, LOLOLOLOL!