In the Red: What’s Yours?

Jessica White
I’m currently on the hunt for a new red lipstick for the holiday season. Though I love my L’Oreal Infallible Beyonce
I’m ready for a little change. The L’Oreal Infallible line is amazing for long wear, but impossible to take off! Love the way that deep red looks on Jessica White above though. You guys have any suggestions for a fab red color? I’ve heard rumors of Ruby Woo via MAC Cosmetics but haven’t tried it yet. 
Any faves? Soundoff below!

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Christina Brown

Lifestyle influencer and digital mompreneur Christina S. Brown is a New York native, LA resident, and the founder of and BrownGirlsLove. She's an award-winning storyteller, a motivational speaker and an advocate for confident millennial black women.

  1. MAC’s Russian Red, Ruby Woo and or, Viva GlamI are gorgeous reds that work well on any skin tone !

  2. I’m currently using Chanel’s Rouge Allure lip gloss and I love it. I’m not a huge lipstick wearer because I often feel like it dries out my lips and usually stick to gloss which is often more subdued. This gloss really delivers a punch of red though. I know they have an amazing red lipstick as well because I tried it on. I just didn’t buy it.