LoveBrownSugar Chic: Over the Hills

So it’s been a long while since I’ve done a style post. December has been super hectic and cold…to say the least. Photoshoots just aren’t as fun in sub zero temperatures. Summer, I miss you. But with a little sunlight, and a warm fur…all is right with the world…
 So the symbolism in this photoshoot (there’s always symbolism with me) is that these hills were pretty representative of my 2010. There were highs, lows and a slew of unpredictable, and sometimes unwanted fluctuations. Each day had its lesson and each lesson became a building block in my personal foundation…
I learned alot about forging my own paths and drawing my own conclusions. In 2011 I’m leaving behind all the judgments that people will inevitably have about me and of my life decisions. You can’t sit around contemplating life. Your time is better spent just living it…
So I’m not usually one of those corny folk who quote rap lyrics in their blog posts but, as Drake would say “Everybody dies but not everybody lives”. So don’t waste your time these next few weeks plotting out New Year’s resolutions you’ll inevitably break or lose sight of by March. Set actionable goals and see where life takes you. If you wrap yourself up too much in the detail, you delay your destiny…
One of the greatest things about struggling to get over a hill is the moment you’re on top. You see everything clearer. You feel a sense of accomplishment. And most important, you’ve learned what it takes to get to the top of the hill. So that if you ever end up at the bottom again, you have no problem getting back to the top.

I like to think of this little pumpkin as my future; bright, colorful and right in the palm of my hands.

Fur: Vintage, Pants: H&M, Shearling Wedges: H&M, Bag: Vintage Coach, Pearl Cluster Ring: Forever 21
Photography by Justified Photos
Christina Brown

Lifestyle influencer and digital mompreneur Christina S. Brown is a New York native, LA resident, and the founder of and BrownGirlsLove. She's an award-winning storyteller, a motivational speaker and an advocate for confident millennial black women.

  1. Whoo hooo to this post! I don’t make resolutions but I do needed reminded to reevaluate my days here on earth to ensure that I am living, loving, laughing and giving.

    P.S. the Forever 21 ring would be super with my thrifted pearl clustered earrings & your hair ROCKS!!

  2. Seriously, you are so adorable. That coat is amazing on you and the length is just perfect.

    I completely agree on your metaphor. 2010 has been a humpy year for us bloggers but my goodness, what a rewarding one! I’m thankful to have met you darling girl! Hope to see you in Feb for MBFW<3
