Sick Site Spotlight:

Tamia, creator of

 Once every few weeks I find myself spending an all-nighter in front of my computer, heavily engrossed in the world of fashion blogging and social media until the wee hours of the morning (it’s really addicting). Most recently, I stumbled upon what will undoubtedly be my newest obsession:

Part personal style blog and part fashion guide/digital magazine, is headed up by a bright young lady out of Cincinnati named Tamia. Young black and beautiful, Tamia updates her blog with her latest vintage-inspired outfits, tips for gaining an online presence in the industry, and pics of shopping adventures around her hometown of Cincinnati…

Page from’s Style Tour in Cincinnati

 I don’t know much about the city of Cincinnati, but Tamia’s found a way to make it look as glamorous as NYC with her timely and engaging shopping reports. Above all else, she’s the Editor in Chief of Style Sample Magazine; a digital publication completely devoted to what’s hot in fashion blogging…

Karen of covers Aug/Sep ’09 Issue

 I think her entire website is just so progressive and innovative. As a young lady truly setting herself apart in this industry, I had to highlight! Go check her out at Warning: Once you’re in, you’re hooked…

Christina Brown

Lifestyle influencer and digital mompreneur Christina S. Brown is a New York native, LA resident, and the founder of and BrownGirlsLove. She's an award-winning storyteller, a motivational speaker and an advocate for confident millennial black women.

  1. I’ll be heading over to check her out. I’ve been on the computer catching up on blogs I sub to and looking for new ones since 8pm. This really is addicting, LOL!